it is along this line that we hope to make our chief contribution to education in general 意味

  • われわれが教育全般に重要な貢献をしたいと望んでいるのはこのやり方に沿ってなのだ


        make general contribution toward military expenditures:    軍事費用{ぐんじ ひよう}に関して全面的{ぜんめんてき}な貢献{こうけん}をする
        our hope is that:    (that 以下)ということを願っております
        as we explained in our letter of:    _月_日の弊社{へいしゃ}の手紙{てがみ}でご説明致しましたとおり
        if we make ...:    if we make ... とすると
        as we go along:    やりながら
        inborn hope of our humanity:    人間{にんげん}が生まれながらにして持つ希望
        make a contribution to:    ~に貢献{こうけん}する、寄与{きよ}する Walter's tireless efforts make a contribution to beautifying the city. ウォルターの絶え間ない努力は町の美化に貢献している。
        make the contribution:    負担{ふたん}[寄付{きふ}]金を作り出す
        succeed along with our competitors:    競合他社{きょうごう たしゃ}と成功{せいこう}を共有{きょうゆう}する
        animal that we have in our classroom:    私たちが教室{きょうしつ}で買っている動物{どうぶつ}
        as we stated in our e-mail of:    弊社{へいしゃ}の_月_日の電子メールで申し上げましたとおり
        as we told you in our letter:    お手紙で申し上げましたとおり
        chemicals that we use in our food:    私たちが食品{しょくひん}に使用{しよう}している化学物質{かがく ぶっしつ}
        general education:    general education 一般教育 いっぱんきょういく 普通教育 ふつうきょういく 一般教養 いっぱんきょうよう
        along the line:    ある段階{だんかい}[時点{じてん}]で Somewhere along the line he made up his mind to devote his life to collecting butterflies. ある時点で彼は、チョウの採集をライフワークにしようと決めた。


  1. "it is almost impossible to tell the difference" 意味
  2. "it is almost undistinguishable from real champagne" 意味
  3. "it is almost unintelligible without an explanation" 意味
  4. "it is almost universally believed that…" 意味
  5. "it is almost universally held by writers that…" 意味
  6. "it is already a thing of the past" 意味
  7. "it is already certain that jones will succeed him" 意味
  8. "it is also the case with my friend" 意味
  9. "it is altogether fitting that he should preside over the event" 意味
  10. "it is almost universally believed that…" 意味
  11. "it is almost universally held by writers that…" 意味
  12. "it is already a thing of the past" 意味
  13. "it is already certain that jones will succeed him" 意味

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